Conn, Gordon, d. 1977

Área de identidad

Tipo de entidad


Forma autorizada del nombre

Conn, Gordon, d. 1977

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nombre

    Forma(s) normalizada del nombre, de acuerdo a otras reglas

      Otra(s) forma(s) de nombre

        Identificadores para instituciones

        Área de descripción

        Fechas de existencia



        Gordon Conn (ca.1888-1977) was an art collector and supporter of visual art in Toronto. He studied to be a musician and worked as a painter in his youth. Although he did not pursue a career as an artist, he maintained connections with many artists. He was a friend of the painter Kenneth Forbes (1892-1980) who painted Conn’s portrait in 1935. Together with Forbes, Gordon Conn founded the Ontario Institute of Painters devoted to the display of painting based on what Forbes called “traditional” art values. Conn turned over his studio in Wychwood Park in Toronto—The Little Gallery—to a series of one-man shows of its members. Near the end of his life, he donated paintings by artists represented in this collection to public art galleries in Ontario.


        Estatuto jurídico

        Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

        Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad

        Estructura/genealogía interna

        Contexto general

        Área de relaciones

        Área de puntos de acceso

        Puntos de acceso por materia

        Puntos de acceso por lugar


        Área de control

        Identificador de registro de autoridad


        Identificador de la institución


        Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

        Estado de elaboración

        Nivel de detalle

        Fechas de creación, revisión o eliminación




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